Meet The Team
Bryan Jung
“I was born & raised around the Seattle area. I graduated from the University of Washington with a focus in Information Systems at the Michael G. Foster School of Business. I currently live and work in Denver, Colorado in the United States.
I have one older brother, Brendan, who lives and works in Los Angeles. My mother, Sally, was a piano teacher before I was born and continues to teach and own a piano studio in Bellevue today. Haley, our 15-year old Maltese, passed in 2021; however, we know she’ll always be with us. We got Haley around the time my father passed, and with her birthday being the exact same as mine, I’m convinced she was a gift from God.
Music keeps me grounded. I try not to gravitate towards certain genres as I believe good music is good music. I love playing instruments, producing, and performing in my free time. I hope these passions never leave me.
Sports have always been a big part of my life and still are to this day. Golf has been, and will be, my focus. It’s a lifelong game that teaches valuable life skills and keeps my competitive spirit active & evolving. Great stress-reliever, too (but only when I’m playing well).
Thank you so much for being a part of This Is Why as a contributor and/or reader. Your support is greatly appreciated and means so much. I hope that we, together, can continue making this world a better place one story at a time.”
Kelsey Walker
Resident Therapist
Mental Health Expert & Services Coordinator
“Hello, I’m Kelsey, and I’m honored to join This Is Why as the Resident Therapist and Mental Health Expert & Services Coordinator. I’m originally from Dallas, Texas, but now call New York City home. I earned my bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin and my master’s in psychology from New York University. In my private practice as a psychotherapist, I work with individuals from all walks of life, helping them navigate the unique challenges that come with being human.
Losing both of my parents during adolescence shaped much of who I am today. I know firsthand how loss can profoundly impact our sense of belonging—a feeling I believe is at the core of what it means to be human. Grief can make us feel untethered, as though the ground beneath us has shifted, but it can also teach us resilience and uncover strengths we didn’t know we had.
I see each person as a unique constellation of experiences, struggles, and gifts. I reject the idea that there’s a one-size-fits-all approach to healing because I’ve learned that what works for one person may not work for another. Life’s journey is messy and unpredictable, but I believe it is through our messiness that we connect, heal, and grow.
At times, I’ve found myself wondering, What am I doing? I feel so lost and alone. But those moments have given me the clarity and strength to step into this space with empathy, compassion, and a deep desire to help others. Being a part of This Is Why feels deeply personal to me—it’s a chance to offer support and create a sense of belonging for others who, like me, have felt the ripple effects of profound loss.
I’m grateful to be part of this journey and look forward to supporting the incredible work of This Is Why as we grow together.”
Visit Kelsey’s websites to learn more about her work: