Beginning on December 1st each year, ‘This Is Why’ is inviting you to participate in the ‘Illuminate The Holidays’ campaign. This is an opportunity to be a light to someone who you may not know needs it most.

Here’s how it will work: Purchase four gift cards from Starbucks or a similar shop. Put as much or as little as you’d like in each card. Whatever you feel in your heart. 

In each of the four weeks of December, give one of these gift cards to someone. It may be a delivery driver, a close friend going through a difficult time, the receptionist at your gym, a parent you see on the sidewalk walking with their kids. Anyone. 

This is an opportunity to be an unexpected light in someone’s life. They may be going through a recent significant loss, a phase of grief that feels incredibly dark, or other difficult struggles. Giving can be reciprocal, bringing warmth even to yourself. We challenge you to exemplify gratitude & lift someone up by sharing a little bit of love.

Use the hashtag #TIWIlluminateTheHolidays in any social media stories or posts & let’s bring some smiles during this holiday season.